Sponsorship opportunities
Sponsorship opportunities

The Dutch Business Club not only wants to continue to develop its current activities, but also to grow. We see opportunities to support the Dutch business community in Spain even better with new initiatives and events. That is why we are looking for sponsors. Companies that benefit from a strong and successful Dutch business collective in Spain.

It is of course the intention that our sponsors share in this success and can increase their brand and company awareness through our website, social media and DBC events. Companies that like to contribute to this new phase of the DBC and want to support us in making it an even more dynamic organization. An important part of the sponsorship money will be used to give further content and shape to the virtual identity and activities of the organization.

Main Sponsor – 4.000 euros per year


  • 1 Gold Membership

Annual Event

  • We will jointly select one event from the agenda to link you as a sponsor;
  • You can invite five extra guests to this event;
  • During this event you will have the opportunity to have a photo session (possibly with your guests)


  • Prominent place of your logo on the DBC website
  • Prominent place of your sponsor logo on the DBC banner
  • Promotion through the DBC social media channels
  • An interview with you as a sponsor on the DBC website once a year as an extra news item

Member Sponsor 
– 1.500 euros per year


  • 1 Gold Membership


  • Five minutes presentation of your company during one of the DBC events


  • Your logo on the DBC website
  • Your sponsor logo on the DBC banner
  • Promotion through DBC social media channels

Partner Sponsor 
– 750 euros per year


  • Your logo on the DBC website
  • Your sponsor logo on the DBC banner
  • Promotion via the DBC social media channels